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Henry Ebner

Arrived in Britain:
Place of Birth:
16 August 1939
Interview number:
Dr Bea Lewkowicz
Date of Interview:
Interview Summary:
Henry Ebner, nee Heinz Ebner, was born 1937 in Vienna. His parents were cinema proprietors (Admiral Lichtspiele and Johann Strauss Kino). While his father was arrested and sent to Dachau, his mother managed to arrange domestic visas to the UK. The family came to the UK in August 1939. Henry’s father was interned at Central Promenade Camp on the Isle of Man for two months. From the age of eight to eighteen Henry was sent to ‘Stoatley Rough School’, in Surrey which catered in particular for refugee children. Henry Ebner became a solicitor and during his career was involved in restitution claims with Germany and pensions claims with Austria.
I think that one should be very grateful to the host country for offering sanctuary. I’m grateful that I’ve had the opportunity of bringing up a family in this country [...] I do feel some attachment to Vienna. I do occasionally still dream in German.